Glass Kilns
(18)Cress Mfg. Company is now offering kilns for the fuser and glass slumping professionals and hobbyist.
Fuser Kilns: are equipped with an infinite control switch, high temperature pyrometer to aid in the firing process. The pyrometer consists of a heat-sensing device (thermocouple) connected to meter readout. This Pyrometer is especially important when working with glass to measure the progress of a firing and temperature of the kiln.
Fuser E Kilns: are equipped with an electronic 3 key controller, LED readout display. The software of this controller has four user programs. Each program can have up to eight segments with each segment consisting of a ramp rate (in degrees per hour), a target temperature, and a hold time.
Standard Features:
Steel Base Plate: A steel base plate is included for safety and strength.
Tapered Peepholes & Peephole Plugs: Tapered peepholes offer a wider angle of viewing into the firing chamber and the snug fitting; tapered firebrick plugs minimize heat loss.
Elements & Element Grooves: Cress kilns use the highest quality most durable elements set into precision cut grooves. We take the extra time and expense to pin our elements in place closer to the firing chamber, taking advantage of direct radiant heat and increasing element life.
Instruction Manual: An excellent and concise instruction manual makes the dealer’s job easier and the customer’s job safer and more trouble free.
Exceptionally Mechanically Sound: The strong steel fixed hinge provides a strong, steady attachment of the lid to the kiln and avoids the problem of possible damage by brick hitting brick near the joint. We use a superior extra strong lid brace for extra safety. The rigid back brace clamps keep the kiln strong over the years helping protect the brick and giving the kiln a strong spine. A strong pre-assembled welded steel stand is standard.

Front Loading Kilns
(16) These kilns are constructed of heavy angle frame steel sheet metal, multi-bank insulation of up to 6.5". Front opening, vaulted ceiling for strength. It is the ideal kiln for large loads of porcelain, sculptures, pottery or ceramics. Great slow cooling for hand made work.These units are available with manual controls, automatic and electronic. It can also be ordered with an exhaust vent system and different voltages. /Asset/a0001022.jpg